16 result(s)
Arrayed siRNA screens are a powerful tool to look at very precise perturbations in cellular pathways.
Revvity’s Dharmacon™ CRISPR portfolio expands with validated CRISPR guide RNAs for complex but critical gene targets, as well as DNA cutting controls for screen normalization in sensitive assays.
Functional genomic screening allows for the elucidation of the mechanism of action of exogenous agents which modulate intracellular gene function such as pharmaceutical agents and other compounds. Read about the various considerations, approaches and interpretations when conducting a screen to investigate novel compounds and analyzing the screening data.
Functional Genomic and Cell Panel Screening can individually provide comprehensive data sets to support therapeutic development, but when utilized in combination they identify novel targets which are cross-validated by independent approaches.
Learn about Horizon's CRISPRsc (CRISPR single cell) platform that combines the flexibility of pooled screening with the power of transcriptomics at single cell resolution.
Gisela Jimenez-Duranらによる最近の論文は、Horizon Discoveryによって実施された全ゲノムCRISPRノックアウトスクリーニングが、炎症誘発性マクロファージを調節できる既存の阻害剤をどのように同定したかをわかりやすく示しています。
A summary of a recent publication in The CRISPR Journal showing that Horizon's integrated pooled CRISPRko and high throughput cell panel screening platform together offer clinically relevant information for therapeutic targets.